Friday, September 12

surrounded by leaders

As with most of us, I am inspired by leaders, and I don't mean the high profile leaders that we see in the media. While I am inspired by some of those leaders some of the time, I am really inspired by the leaders we run into in everyday life. Leadership Guru and Author Robin Sharma ( calls it "leadership with out title" and I love this term! These are the people who take the lead at work , the community, anywhere they see the need they step up.

I am surrounded by such people. What a blessing. I was recently reminded of this when dealing with a charity I work with. Cash flow is a problem and staff cuts had to be made. It is a tough time for the organization and the impact of the cutbacks will really impact the financial realities for everyone. While all this is true, this team stepped up to find new and innovative ways to do business while keeping the message of the charity front and center. I am inspired by them and their dedication. They are real leaders. They are the staff at The Student Life Education Company ( and they do great work empowering students in College and University to make healthy choices around alcohol, drugs and health issues. Check out their great work!

We are all leaders. Everyday we have the chance to take the lead. Yes it is riskly to speak up, lead by example, support a new idea, follow a dream, step out of the box and take a stand of the kind of world you want. Yes it can be risky, and it will always be rewarding.

Are you ready to be a leader?

Do you want the confidence that comes with knowing you are a leader at home , work and your community?

Are you ready to bounce out of bed every morning filled with purpose!

It is time to move forward.

I can get you where you want to go.

Call me today to find out about coaching ! In honour of our federal election and the focus on leadership for our country, I am offering a fee coaching session until October 14th, 2008.

You will recieve a complimentary 45 minute coaching session where:
* you will leave the session with a knowing you are a as a leader in your life, work and community
* we will work together to create leadership in your life
* you will get crystal clear on your life and business goals
*We will create key milestones to target along the way
* Reveal hidden challenges that sabotage you
* Together we will create a 3 stage plan to bring out the leader in you and achieve your goals
* You will leave renewed generated and motivated to achieve your goals and be the leader you know you can be.

Call 416-648-5795 now for your Election Special or email me at to book your time!

Frances Wdowczyk

Monday, September 1

Labour Day... the official end of summer and the excitment new beginnings

I have always loved the Labour Day weekend.
For most of my adult life I was busy working the weekend away in one form or other at one of the wonderful Universities I worked at. While it was odd not to have that last taste of summer that other people had, it was wonderful to experience this amazing weekend of excitement and the unknown. The energy on campus was always electric waiting for the new students to arrive . It was a weekend full of possibility, hope and new beginnings.

For the last 8 years I have been in a career that gives me a relaxing and full end of summer weekend. It took a few years to figure out just what people did on the Labour Day weekend .With the help of a few friends I learned to just relax on this last weekend of summer and do whatever seems like a good idea. After 13 years in post secondary education I had no idea Labour Day could be relaxing!

This year I am taking these two concepts from my past and bringing them together. Relaxing and the experiencing excitement of possibility and new beginnings. A perfect place to be as I expand my career as a Professional Coach and Consultant.

I am laying out my goals, creating my future and working on a plan. I am so excited I can feel my energy rising and my heart pounding harder and louder than it has in a while. All of this while relaxing at home with the sun shining in , cat purring and the rest of the family off doing the things that they love. Life really is perfect.

I will be using this blog to share my thoughts as well as to share ideas, tips, concepts and articles on life and having the life you want to have. Be sure to watch for updates and changes to this blog and its connection to my website over the next few weeks. I look forward to hearing from you.

So, as the sun starts to set , here's to the excitement and possibility of dreams coming true....

Wednesday, August 20

back in the blog world

Well it has been a very long time since my last blog entry.
It is not that I have had nothing to say since my last entry just seems like there was no time or better yet no motivation to put it all down.

Looks like that has all changed tonight! I am inspired by the many Blogs that my friends write and follow. Time to let that inspiration move me forward. Where this inspiration/motivation will take me is a mystery.

I really do love a good mystery.... don't you?

Wednesday, January 31

my half marathon clinic at the running room

I am coaching the half marathon walking clinic at the Running Room on Bloor St W (High Park) here in Toronto.

To be honest I was excited to coach and then about two weeks before the clinic began I was nervous and felt very insecure about coaching. Funny how the insecurities sneak up on you when you least expect it isn't it? The good news is that I finally stopped listening to that little voice in my head that was feeding me the insecurities and moved full speed a head into the clinic!

My personal goals for the clinic are:
1) Walk in the Ottawa Half Marathon at the end of May
2) Lose 20 Pounds
3) Feel fit and trim with increased energy
4) Have all the members of my clinic reach their goals and celebrate their success with each of them.

Week one is now coming to an end. It has been exciting and energizing to plan the clinic and walk with everyone. I have already seen and improvement in my energy level and have enjoyed the last 2 walks with the run/walk club(every wed and sun you can go to the store and walk/run with groups).

So far I feel that it is fair to say that coaching the half marathon walking clinic was the perfect thing to do.....

Tuesday, January 16

How Lucky am I ?!

Tonight I am sitting at my desk at home quietly working on the computer. In the background I can hear my son playing on his game cube, my daughter is doing her homework and my husband is making some tea.

There is a happy "hum" in the house tonight. These are the moments that I cherish. This is how life looks when it is working.

It is hard to find the words to describe the energy or the feeling n the house right now. Contentment, peace, joy, ease... all of these are here and joy and ease are the ones that I feel most. Even our cat (who seems to meow more than any other cat I have ever owned or known), is quiet on the sofa just looking out the window.

Our house is in perfect harmony right now... everyone is feeling loved and looked after. It is really one of the best feelings in the world. It grounds me. I am keenly aware of and grateful for my wonderful family, friend, and all that we have.

So, How lucky and I?

I'm the luckiest woman in the world and I wish the same for all of you.

Wednesday, January 10

Amazing Jann Arden

I love Jann Arden. She is a wonderful and talented singer, she is funny and when you see her in concert you feel like you are hanging out with her at a party.
I just read an article about her in the January Issue of Chatelaine Magazine and I am inspired by her story. She made a huge lifestyle change and lost 50 as a result.
Go Jane GO!!!!! She looks awesome.
So, in keeping with my goals for 2007 I am looking forward to a more active lifestyle. What does that mean? Well more walking and fewer carbs and less sugar, and drinking more water. Coaching the 1/2 marathon clinic will help with my walking, our mealing planning with lead to fewer carbs and having a jug of water at my desk will support me in drinking my 8 glasses! I feel good about that plan!
While my goal is better fitness I really do want to lose weight.
Yup, there I said it... so I plan to lose 20 pound by may 27th 2007.
I can honestly say I am looking forward to it.
Thanks Jann Arden for your inspiration!

Sunday, January 7

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone and welcome back to my blog.

Wow it has been a long time since I have been on.
Thank you Billi Jo for helping me out with my Blog ..... again :)
Be sure to check out Billi Jo's new business at bjo designs.
Her jewelry is fabulous!

I feel that moving into a new year is always exciting.

For several years now I have been starting off each new year by officially finishing up and closing off the old year. I finish the old year off by making a list of the things that are still unfinished or hanging on a list from the old year. Then I look at each item on the list and decide if I am really, honestly, going to finish the item or task. If I am going to finish it then I look at when I will do by it and mark it in my calendar (or mark some benchmarking dates if it is a lengthy project). If I am not going to finish the item or task then I look to see who I need to tell that I'm not going to finish things (if anyone) and if there are any ends to pass on or put away. After that is all done I cross it off the list!

Next I move on to the fun part, creating the New Year! I really enjoy putting all my goals and dreams down on paper and putting together some time line or next steps to get me in action on them. I enjoy imagining what it looks and feels like to have the final goal achieved and then look to see what to do about it. The to do items are put in my calendar and act as reminders or prompts. If I don't get to them that day then I move them forward to a new day and keep working on them. Final step... tell people your goals. Once you share them they are out in the world and are real!

So, here are some of my goals for 2007!

1) Compete in the Ottawa Marathon in the walking 1/2 Marathon portion (May 27th, 2007).
2) Start a new business
3) Raise $ 500,000.00 in funds for the Charity that I work for (The Student Life Education Company)
4) Go away on a romantic vacation to Paris with my husband.
5) Support my husband in his new business venture.
6) Take my husband and children to Disney Land.
7) Go to Africa to make a difference with children with Aids

WOW, I was a bit nervous writing that out and putting it on the blog but now that I have done it, I feel good!

So, What are your goals? Have you put them out for the universe to hear and for your friends to support you with them? Can you see yourself achieving these goals? Can you imagine what it feels like to have achieved these goals?

Louis Pasteur said that "chance favors the prepared mind" are you prepared for the 2007 that you always dreamed of? I am. I look forward to sharing the ride with you!